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Last update: 2022-03-08

Number Formats Basics

What are number formats?

When adding 0.5, 50%, 12:00 O’ Clock, €0,50 in Excel, you get 2. Why? For Excel they are all the same value.

Excel only knows two kind of data: text and numbers. Text is text, everything else is a number.

Excel saves, reads and computes numbers. The way a number is shown (number format) is a separate property of the cell. The number format is not directly related to the value in the cell, like its color.

Value Kind Possible representation with number format.
abcdefg Text abcdefg
abc123 Text abc123
44628,61624 Number 08/03/2022 14:51
0,121099472 Number 12%
4827,611261 Number 4,827.61
29,91 Number 29.91 €

Adjusting the number format

There are two ways to adjust the number format.

  1. Over Home > Number.
  2. Over the Format Cells window with Right mouse klick > Format cells... or the shortcut Ctrl + 1.

Over Home > Number most categories are available, but not all options of the Format cells window.

Basic number formats

General number formats

This is the default number format. There are no options.

Number number format

This number format allows to show the thousands separator and define how many decimal places to show.

Use 1000 separator

Add or remove decimal places

Currency and accounting number format

In practice similar to number format, but with a currency symbol in the front. In general I recommend using accounting over currency.

You define the number of decimal places as in the number format and the currency symbol.

The currency does not play any role for Excel, you can mix currencies as you please. Here e.g. is a sum of euro with pound sterling, US-dollar and bitcoin.

Percentage number format

The % symbol means “divided by 100”. For Excel a percentage is a normal number with the decimal place shifted twice to the right.

Percentage Number
20% 0.2
9% 0.09
30% 0.3
38% 0.38
52% 0.52
2% 0.02
63% 0.63
16% 0.16
26% 0.26
84% 0.84
26% 0.26

If you insert a value with the percent symbol, the percent number format is automatically applied.

Alternatively you can define the percentage number format for an existing number afterwards.


tags: Number formats